What is it for?

Some adults may develop a paladar arch that start to affect your jaw and smile causing an excessively crowded teeth.  At Tottori Orthodontic we have been helping our patients with Non-Surgical Expansion for over 30 years. 

What Non-Surgical treatment options are available?

In the past if an adult had over crowded teeth the solution was often to surgically remove some teeth to give the other more space. Extracting teeth is nowadays rarely considered the best option as it leads to a constricted airway, compromised TMJ's, adverse facial changes, and unstable results. Making the arches bigger will result in enlarged airway, healthier TMJ's, facial enhancement and a more attractive smile.

There are multiple appliance options for non-surgical adult arch development, including: DNA, ALF, SLDA, Schwarz, Meridian, etc. Some of these appliances are fixed (cemented into the mouth) others are removable.