The benefits of orthodontic treatment go beyond obtaining a great smile. There are also health and psychological benefits. The great thing is now you have a variety of treatment options, and we are here to help guide you through your orthodontic journey.

Psychological Benefits - Smile with Confidence

In today's world a premium is placed on health and beauty. The "mouth is a focus of attention because we consistently communicate and express our feelings through it."* An attractive smile can make a positive difference and create a better first impression. This can help with a child's acceptance and confidence in school or an adult's projected image in a job interview and throughout one's career. An improved smile via orthodontic treatment can greatly enhance one's self-esteem, and enhanced self-esteem can improve one's quality of life."*
*Dr. Joyce Brothers on orthodontic treatment. American Association of Orthodontist Brochure

Health Benefits

By age 35, three out of four adults have some form of periodontal disease. Crowded teeth an improper bites often increase the difficulty of maintaining oral health. Given time, poor dental (teeth) alignment may contribute to tooth decay, gum disease and even tooth loss. Orthodontic treatment allows for easier maintenance of your teeth and can lead to better dental health.

Treatment Options

We listen to your needs and can often create innovative treatment plans combining the new and traditional options. By providing options like Incognito Braces and Clarity Clear aligners we can predictable combine different treatment modalities. The ability to combine treatment modalities to custom fit your needs is something that sets us apart from any other orthodontist in Hawaii. We are the exclusive provider of Incognito Braces in Hawaii and the leading provider of Inbraces and Clarity Clear aligners in Hawaii.

Incognito Hidden Braces
It's a great option for people who don't want the "look" of traditional braces, but desire the benefits of "braces."